Blink Platform

The AI copilot for every security pro

Blink is the first platform to offer an AI-first approach to workflow automation. Now, anyone can think of a workflow and automate it fully in seconds. Just type a prompt.

AI Copilot Prompt Bar

Type a prompt.
Generate a workflow.

It’s never been easier to create smart, automated workflows across your tools.

Wiz Icon

Make Amazon S3 bucket private on new Wiz CloudTrail alert

AWS Icon

Secure publicly accessible Amazon RDS Snapshots and report to Slack

Orca Icon

Enrich Orca Vulnerability alert and send Slack notification

Popular Prompts

Explore popular prompts for common tasks

We have a library of 8K automated workflows ready to help you rapidly automate common tasks and enforce security best practices.

Prompt for CrowdStrike and BambooHR Workflow

Test prompts to create your exact workflow

Type a prompt and see the generated workflow in just a few seconds. If it’s a little off, tweak your prompt and iterate to get the exact right workflow.

Blink Copilot for Workflow Step Edits

Refine workflows with prompts for each step

Once you’ve generated your workflow, you can continue to use Blink Copilot at the step-level. Build the exact right workflow with precise actions, powered by Gen AI.

Security & Compliance

Blink is committed to upholding the highest grade of industry 
security and compliance standards.

ISO 27001, SOC 2, and GDPR ComplianceISO 27001 and GDPR Compliance
ISO 27001, SOC 2, and GDPR Compliance

Control your cloud security everywhere.

Cloud native, Decentralized, and Secure. Start transforming your cloud and security
operations with Blink.

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